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Who is Ayla Hurst?

Who is Ayla Hurst? It's a very good question, sometimes even I, doubt who is she...

For me Ayla means everything. It's my force, it's the person who I run when I need to scape of this horrible world. I am lonely girl, It's very dificult to me speak with other people, make friends, feel me loved... so for this reason I created Ayla, Ayla is a strong girl, she is lonely too, but she has a family that she loved her. She is sensitive, and she cries easily, but her friends don't care if she cries because she adore her.

She is a leader, she is a very inteligent girl, villiants don't fool her easily, her debility are children, her bigest wish in the world is to have a baby, she has a lot of love, and she need someone who give it.

Ayla is a beautiful girl, with straight and blond hair, she is slim but very strong. She has got very long and pretty legs that use to be the best horse rider in the world. Ayla's got a white and perfect skin, a beautiful green-brown eyes and a friendly smile.

I love writing, but I'm not a good writer (still), so all the stories that my mind creates apperas Ayla. Sometimes she is a warrior, a mother, a princess, a sister, a lover... but she is always. It could seems that I haven't got the best imagination ever, but it's wrong, I'm a creative person, only Ayla helps me in every story.

Unlike me, Ayla is a lucky person in love. She has got husband, boyfriend, lover, "special" friend... And it's perfecty normal, what kind of person rejected a women like Ayla? She has got all the virtues that I haven't got.

When I readed the first time the name of Ayla, I knew that these name it'll mean something important in my life. Ayla is the name of principal caracter of a serie of books; "Earth'sChildren" by Jean M. Auel. Ayla is a caracter that impressed me since the first moment. She is a lot of things, but she fights for one thing in special: she fights for love.            
Young Ayla in the film: "The Clan of Cave Bear" (1986)
an adaptation of the first book of "Earth'sChildren"
If you have love, you don't need anyting else. I've losed love across the years, but I'm looking for it, and I hope that it doesn't latest more time, because I need it really.

(Sorry for my English, but to descrive how I'm feeling now it's hard in a language that you don't dominate yet)                                                        

The last name: "Hurst" it's a "tribute" for an actor; it isn't my favourite actor, but five-six years ago I discovered an old tv programme that helps me to pass the lonely summer nights. Michael Hurst plays Ioalus in these programme, the best friend of the principal caracter, and the last name appears in my mind when I was thinking a last name for Ayla.

Michael Hurst plays Ioalus in
"Hercules, the legendary journeys"
Ioalus (Hurst) it's a very loyal friend, he is always ready to help his friends, and I want that Ayla learns of him the power of loyalty and friendship.

In summery: Ayla means strong but sensitive and Hurst means loyal.

At this moment I'm not thinking more things about Ayla, but I'm sure that this caracter "my alter ego" is more complex person that I can describe (specially in English)

Like conclusion, Ayla Hurst it's everything for me, it's the conscience that say me: "you, princess, stand up, you're a beautiful and strong girl, I need you, with out you I didn't existe, quick, get up, I need you"


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