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Ayla's Moment

Sometimes, I need an Ayla's moment, when I'm very boring in class, o when I need these extraforce, a little bit moment of creativity... but she doesn't apper, she appears in the best moment possible, when I'm not waiting her.

In a few days ago, she appears me for telling me a story, a story about a legendary princess:

In a far away kingdom, lives a king, king Thor II, and he was very worried because his wife, Anastasia hasn't got a baby. But, one day, like a miracle, queen Anastasia's been pregnant. She has got two babies: Ayla and Hayden, the laws of Asgarf were clear: not a girl in the throne, for this reason, king Thor lies about the birth of the children: Hayden was the first, and Ayla, the second, and the Court in silence.

But the problems doesn't finish in the birth, king Thor's children have been difficult since the first moment: Ayla was a rebel girl, she wanted be a princess, she liked ride a horse, and learn to fight. She hated dancing classes, singing classes, protocol classes. She didn't be a princess. She was a free spirit.

Hayden, on the other side, was a strange boy, he wanted to be king, he was an inteligent kid, he was good with the sward. But he always was in silence, he hasn't god friends, he was a worried and lonely prince.

The twins didn't meet each other, they were educated separates, the person that share with other nine monts inside the same women were a completaly strange. The royal family only were together in specially moments. King Thor prepared Hayden for to be a king in someone day, and Anastasia educated Ayla for to be the perfect wife, but Ayla didn't want this. She was free, she hated men, she didn't allow to be the wife of some strange, for live this she has got a family. So, in the day of her fifteen birthday, she scaped.

She didn't arrive so far, in fact, she sttoped her in the beach near her castle, but here she found her future: her uncle Loki was waiting her. Loki was Thor's stepbrother, he was expelled of Asgard for trying to steal the throne. Now, he was Duque of Darkness and lives alone in a lonely palace in a island. He seduced Ayla for to be his apprentice and she leaves Asgard with his uncle.

During three years, Ayla was learnig magic and fight, and with her extraformation like an Asgardian princess there's nothing that can stop her. Loki's plan was avancing, Ayla has to be convinced asgardians that she is the real queen, and Loki married with her and he will be the king. When Ayla'll have a boy, he won't need her more, and she' ll died in misterious conditions.

But, Loki's plans fall, Ayla was in love of her fight teacher, Ioalus, and she waited a baby of him. When Loki found out about Ayla's baby, he closed her in a tower, with the only company of Eleonore, Loki's butler. Elonore helped Ayla to have the baby, a boy, she called him Ioalus, like his father. To save Ayla and Ioalus, Eloeonore helped her to scape. Ayla, with her baby was to search Ioalus, but, when she found him, he didn't be Ioalus, he was Count Orestes a rich and married man. Ayla, with her broken heart, leaves her baby with Ioalus and his wife and returned to the castle, with her real and royal family.

Again in the castle, Ayla had to learn a lot of thing about her family. Hayden didn't want to chose spouse, and this thing worried all the Courts, specially worried queen Anastasia, the future of the kingdom was in danger. Ayla married with Aysel, a friend of her childish and they had an other baby. Ayla never explained the existence of her first son, but one day discovered Hayden with an other man, a thing totally allowed in Asgard, and she understood that the life that was growing inside her was the future of Asgard.

Ayla and Aysel had a girl, Leah, the apple of the eyes of all the family. But one day, when Leah was one year old, Ayla confessed Aysel the existence of her other child. Aysel was very angry with Ayla, he thought that she loved him. But this day, Loki abducted Leah. Ayla, Aysel, Hayden and Obi (Hayden's special friend) went to rescue Leah, and during the way, they found an old friend. Ioalus.

Ayla'll have to decide between her life in palace or a pacific life in the village, She'll have to decide between Aysel and Ioalus, and she has to take an other important decision: which of her two children were the next king of Asgard.


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