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Alaskan Bush People (English)


(An Alaskan Bush People Fanfic - English Version)

Ayla, a young New York writer, receives a proposal from a publisher to travel to Alaska and meet the Brown family, to write about their peculiar way of seeing the world. As soon as she lands, Ayla meets the couple and their seven children, with the exception of Matt, the eldest, who is admitted to Juneau because of his drinking problems.

The young woman, moved by a feeling of altruism that she has never felt, promises the mother that she will return Matt home, safe and sound, although her initial plans change, once they are both left alone ...

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Chapter I: Matt

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Ayla Hurst is a young Spanish writer based in New York who travels to Alaska with the aim of studying the Browns: a family that lives isolated in the forest, working for its survival. Totally captivated by their way of life, Ayla discovers that one of the children of the marriage:
Matt, is admitted to a rehabilitation center for alcoholism, and promises his mother that she will bring him back home. Seeing him in such terrible conditions, Ayla feel compaison for the boy and takes him out of the clinic in Juneu to take him to the bungalow that she has rented in Hoonah, where they will live an intense day of confessions between pillows.

Chapter II: Noah

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Ayla accepts Matt's invitation to spend a few days with him at his home and really see how an authentic bush family lives. Although she is eager to get away from the problems of the big city, life in the middle of nature is more difficult to live than previously she thought and Ayla does not seem to be adapting well to Matt's lifestyle, to top it off, she begins to feel something special for the boy ,
something that has never felt what is truly afraid. It will be Noah, the youngest of the Brown brothers who will help her to see the world in a different way.

Chapter III: Gabe

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When it seems that Ayla, following the Noah' advices, begins to adapt to the life in the forest, they decide to accompany Gabriel Brown of hunting. Ayla and Gabe don't end up getting along in the same way that she does with other siblings, the girl believes that accompanying him on a hunt she will discover the reason for his contempt, although the authentic reason may be more difficult to
assimilate than was thought.

Chapter IV: Bam Bam

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One morning like any other, Ayla gets up dizzy and vomiting, after being taken care of by Matt and Ami and to make hasty conclusions about her condition, the girl decides to go on her own to Hoonah to corroborate what happens to her. Accompanied by Bam, the second brother, they argue about
Ayla's way of life, and that she is aware that sooner or later she will have to make one of the most difficult decisions of her life.

Chapter V: Bear

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When life begins to smile the hurried writer and the relationship with Matt begins to
stabilize, Ayla receives the unexpected visit of Frank, his publisher, who claims chapters of the book he has come to write, and humiliates her in front of the whole family. Although Matt comes to his defense against Frank, he reproach Ayla for not sharing her problems with him, and trying to solve
everything on her own. When he asks her to change, Ayla is frustrated that Matt does not value all the change his life has made to stay with him. Furious, she flees from Matt and unexpectedly finds refuge in the arms of the intrepid and extreme Bear.

Chapter VI: The Pack

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Matt regrets having recriminated Ayla his lack of tact with him and for the first time in a long time, they spend the night separated. In this chapter, from Matt's point of view, the bush man analyzes everything that has happened up to now, as his relationship with Ayla evolves while his fears and insecurities increase to lose her. Through his dreams, Matt shows the reality of his family, the
constant competition with his brother, how he has felt displaced and how it has been the arrival of Ayla in their life.


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