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I'm a lover of British culture... The Tea Time, their puntuality, their cities... but there is a thing that I love it more than England, its Gentleman!

Okey, it could sounds that I'm a little bit insane, but I love the gentleman prototype: serious men, with their hairs perfectly clean, their spotless swits and the shiny shoes...

I imagine my perfect gentleman like a tall guy, with a white skin and a pretty blue eyes that seduced me with every glance. Ok, I must to stop it because my imagination it's doing something bad.

For ilustrate my prototype of Gentleman, I choosed two examples: The Angel and The Devil:


I think that a perfect example of "Good Boy" is the British actor Edde Redmaine, this thirty-three years old actor is known for playing the roles of Marius (Les Miserables, 2012), Lilly (The Danish Girl, 2016) and Stephen Hawking (The Theory of Everything, 2014).

This smiling guy it seems more an Scotish Gentleman than an English (although he was born in London) He is 1'80m tall, but the red hair, his green eyes and his face full of freckles give him an angelical and irresistible air. He is the protoype of Good Boy Gentleman!

For me, he will be Marius Pontmercy ever. I love Redmayne in this role, although I think the love story between Cosette and him it's a little bit more fictional than the rest of the film. Eddie knows how to interprete the courage of Marius during his first aparitions, but he catches the desesperation of the character too when he discovers that Cosette is gone and he is prepare to died if he doesn't see his love anymore.

Eddie Redmayne "A little fall of rain"


In the other part we have the other protype of English Gentleman: the Bad Boy, I like to call it "The Villain" and my favourite example of this Gentleman is Tom Hiddleston.

Tom was born in United Kingdom thirty-four years ago, and he's specially famous for playing Loki in Marvel Factory, like: "Thor" (2011), "The Avengers" (2012) and "Thor: the Dark World" (2013). Recently, Hiddleston made the new advert of Jaguar XE, named "The Art of Villany".

This actor is maybe 1'90 m tall, his skin is white like snow, the eyes perfectly blue and the black hair as coal. As diferent at Redmayne he doesn't smile, he looke serious, misterious, irresistible... I' m proud to anunce the villians of the villians... Tom Hiddleston like the Bad Boy Gentleman....

He looks specially fabulos playing his most famous role: Loki, I can't white to watch them again in "Thor 3: Ragnarok". It isn't than Redmayne playing Marius, with his clotes like young and rich student. Loki always wears his green-and-black clothes, with the gold cape and the horn gold helmet. He is a warrior, the next Asgard King!. I love his twisted mind and
I think it's a very inteligent man, so for this reason... Are the british the best playing villians? (Just kidding, it is the slogan of jaguar advert)

Tom Hiddleston "The Art of Villiany"

Like a conclusion I'd like to add that the perfect Bad Boy Gentleman has to make a prodigious and twisted mind, while the Good Boy Gentleman has the courage and the irresistible smile.

I have new dream! a spy film with Redmayne playing the brave and atractive spy and Hiddleston like the inteligent and sexy villian. Okey, maybe I'd like to be the princess of the film!

I' ll think ever and ever in Loki and Marius: the British Gentlemen!                                                      

             Tom Hiddleston is Loki in "Thor; the Dark World" (2013)                                                                          

Eddie Redmayne is Marius in "Les Misérables" (2012)



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