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Hy everyone! I'm Ayla Hurst, the new blogger! I create this blogs because I've got a lot of idees that I want to share about interesing topics like films,art, music, advertising, celebrities...

Excuse me for my horrible English, but I'm learning still now!

My first post it's about one of my favourite films: Les Misérables (Tom Hooper, 2012). I'm sure that you know very well what is the plot of the story and the principal characters like: confrontation Valjean-Javert, the love story between Marius, Cosette and Éponine... But I want to talk about a singular and secundary character that for me is the authentic hero of the story.
I don't know what was the inspiration for Victor Hugo to create Enjolras in 1862, I think It could be himself, so, Hugo, like Enjolras, was a revolutionary student that he could like to participate in Paris revolution in 1832. Seriously, I don't wanted to know who was Enjolras, for me it 's a guy who fight for his ideals untill the end, and I don't need to know anyting else.
In the film, he is a law student, so for those years, it means that his family have enough money to pay his studies, so Enjolras doesn't fight for money o for bread, like his little friend Gavroche, he fights for the justice, because he belives in the republic, he sees that people is hungry and the king it isn't doing anytihing to solve it.
I'd like to point out two Enjolras' scenes in the film: I know he looks spectacular singing "Red and Black song" o "Do you hear the people sing"  but I think that when we see the real Enjolras is when a scary boy is sitting in the barricade, thinking about that for his stupid dreams of freedom their friends will die at the morning.
The other scene I love of this little warrior is (sorry) his death. I think Tom Hooper made a masterpice in the part of Enjolras' death. The guy is looking throught the window of Café ABC where he and his friends with their strong hearts planned how to finish with the monarchy, but now, the police is destroying his dreames with blood. Suddenly Enjolras is surrounded by the police, he thinks it's time to give up, but for the stairs appears his friend Grantaire and he places himself near Enjolras, ths student understands that he isn't the guilty for his friends death, they died for the same reasons that him, they believe in freedom. 
Enjolras and Grantaire look eachother and Enjolras rises up a red flag. The police shoot them and Enjolras body fall out by the window, but he continues catch the flag with all of his forces, this hand is the strongest hand in the world, so it can subject the dreams of all Frenchs.
Enjolras, the paradise is waiting you.
Like conclusion I only want to say one thing: I don't know if in real life exist people like this guy, people that fight for his ideals until the end and more. I only know that Enjolras will be my force, my inspiraton when I need som extra-force to continue.
Enjolras: Do you hear the people sing?
Enjolas: "Drink with me"-Children at the barricade
"The Death of Enjolras and Grantaire" 

Aaron Tveit is Enjolras in Les Misérables (Tom Hooper, 2012) 


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